International Journal of

Arts , Humanities & Social Science

ISSN 2693-2547 (Print) , ISSN 2693-2555 (Online)
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss
Decolonizing African Economic Structure: A Gendered Lesson from Flora Nwakpa's Efuru and Buchi Emecheta's the Joys of Motherhood


The protruding numbers of scholarly works on feminism―in all its inflections―reveal that there is a progression of conversations that center on the exploration of gender inequity in the world, and the absurdity it creates therefore. In recent time, that tide of influence has been sweeping the African intellectual space with a form of torrent that necessitates diverging views. Many of the works in this direction argue that Africans undermine their female's economic freedom by distancing from them the means of production, and by implication, their financial access. There is thus the paucity of intellectual engagements that considers necessary the decolonization of the existing economic structure of Africa, achievable through the knowledge of distributive economies that permeated their system before colonial experience. Consequently, this work concentrates on decolonizing this structure by taking a gendered lesson from two texts, namely, Flora Nwakpa’s Efuru and Buchi Emecheta's The Joys of Motherhood. To achieve this, Akachi Ezeigbo's snail-sense feminism is used, as its tenets are anchors for situating the contemporary African economic structure within its colonial heritages. The culture of protest demonstrated by the protagonists of the text is an awareness and consciousness of the roles of women in primordial African setting and they appear to be unapologetic about making their voices heard, and their roles count. Role-reversal, and economic restructurings are evident of this adrenaline protest, and the works therefore exemplify economic frameworks useful in revolutionizing the polity.